The symbolic space of the sea
    In: The Sea and International Relations (eds Benjamin de Carvalho and Halvard Leira), Manchester University Press, pp. 50-71.

    Maria Mälksoo 26 July 2022

    This chapter tackles seascape as a symbolic space. It explores the political symbolisation and the symbolic power of the sea via a twofold empirical focus. The first move examines the maritime imagining of a nation-space with the example of Estonia’s ex-president and ethnographer Lennart Meri’s historical travelogue Hõbevalge [Silver White] (1976). This imaginative reconstruction of Estonia’s ancient seafaring history and connectivities with the Baltic Sea region and beyond was a conscious exercise in linking a forgotten Baltic province to the mental map of a Nordic-Baltic region.

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    A ritual approach to deterrence:
    I am, therefore I deter
    European Journal of International Relations  27(1): 53-78.

    Maria Mälksoo 1 March 2021

    How can ritual help to understand the practice of deterrence? Traditional deterrence scholarship tends to overlook the active role of deterring actors in creating and redefining the circumstances to which they are allegedly only reacting. In order to address the weight of deterrence as a symbol, collective representation and strategic repertoire, this article proposes to rethink deterrence as a performative strategic practice with ritual features and critical binding, releasing and restraining functions.

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    Rituals of world politics:
    on (visual) practices disordering things
    Critical Studies on Security 8(3): 240-264.

    Aalberts, Tanja, Xymena Kurowska, Anna Leander, Maria Mälksoo 1 September 2020

    Rituals are customarily muted into predictable routines aimed to stabilise social orders and limit conflict. As a result, their magic lure recedes into the background, and the unexpected and disruptive elements are downplayed. Our collaborative contribution counters this move by foregrounding rituals of world politics as social practices with notable disordering effects. We engage a series of ‘world pictures’ to show the worlding and disruptive work enacted in rituals designed to sustain the sovereign exercise of violence and war,

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    Konsekverne af den russiske krig i Ukraine for afskrækkelsen i Østersøregionen
    Efter freden: Ukrainekrigens betydning for dansk og europæisk sikkerhed

    Maria Mälksoo 1 May 2022

    Paljasjalgne Volodõmõr

    Postimees: Arvamus ja Kultuur

    Maria Mälksoo 12 March 2022

    Ritual Reverence to Deterrence in Cyberspace

    Directions: Cyber Digital Europe Blog

    Maria Mälksoo 15 February 2021

    The efficacy of deterrence as a method of conflict management is highly disputed. Yet, deterrence persists as a go-to security strategy and is flourishing in the spheres of cyber and information warfare. The EU is now embracing deterrence and its political appeal to advance its cybersecurity posture. But the prudence of this move remains unproven, and it is counterintuitive to the EU’s ambitions as a positive and pacifying force in cyberspace.

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