Cameron Hunter interviewed by Media on China’s Moon Probe and Military Artificial Intelligence

Cameron Hunter was interviewed by the media on two occasions this summer, providing his expertise on “emerging” strategic technologies. Both outer space and artificial intelligence are areas of competition between the US and China, and so Cameron’s work on the RITUAL DETERRENCE project involves tracking developments in these matters.

After China successfully returned a robotic probe, Chang’e 6, from the far-side of the Moon, Al Jazeera interviewed Cameron in order to put the technological feat in an international context. He appeared alongside a NASA expert in the published television report.

Earlier in the year, Cameron published a co-authored article in the Journal of Strategic Studies on military AI. Due to their interest in the piece, the media firm Faculti interviewed him and Bleddyn Bowen – it can be viewed here. The UK Royal Air Force’s education team also invited Cameron for an audio interview.