Cameron Hunter delivers lectures at JASDF Command and Staff College and University of Tokyo

Maria Mälksoo at Tallinn University

Cameron Hunter and Maria Mälksoo at CMS China’s Nuclear Force Conference

Thomas Fraise at the Danish Political Science Association Annual Conference

Maria Mälksoo at a roundtable on EU-NATO relations in an emerging world order

Maria Mälksoo at the Baltic Sea Conference

Maria Mälksoo’s Guest Lecture at the University of Coimbra

Maria Mälksoo’s keynote at the NATO SPS Advanced Research Workshop in Finland

Mariia Vladymyrova attends 10th Conference on Operational Maritime Law

From 2 to 5th September 2024 Mariia Vladymyrova attended the 10th Conference on Operational Maritime Law, held by NATO Center of Excellence for Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in co-sponsorship with the U.S. Naval War College Stockton Center for International Law, the University of Basel, and in cooperation with the Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Defence. The venue gathered leading academics in law of the sea and maritime security, experts and practitioners to discuss legal challenges posed by the grey zone warfare at sea in the South China Sea, critical maritime infrastructure protection in the seas of the European North and Atlantic, as well as lessons from the latest asymmetrical naval warfare in the Red Sea and in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Apart from the panel discussions, participants worked with fictional scenarios based on possible escalatory developments in the regions of the South China Sea and the Baltic Sea to test and discuss possible legal solutions and their strategic implications.

Maria Mälksoo and Cameron Hunter present work at APSA2024